Collection: Rabbit Grooming

How do I groom my rabbit?

Like cats and other small pets, rabbits groom themselves regularly and swallow a lot of fur. However unlike cats they can not vomit out hairballs. This means that the fur can cause their digestion to slow down, reduce their appetite and cause constipation which can lead to gut problems. Ideally we want to be using a gentle brush to groom our rabbit furbaby everyday. Spot wash any caked areas that have been stain by urine or faeces paying particular attention to their backside and paws. Dry gently with a dry towel and for long haired rabbits use a hairdryer on a low setting.

A good point to remember is that Rabbit skin is even more thin than cat or dog skin (who also have very delicate skin compared to humans 5 x thinner). Rabbit skin is also loosely connected to the deeper layer of the skin which explains why rabbits are more sensitive to skin irritants found in many pet shampoos on the market.

Can I wash my rabbit?

Rabbit fur takes a very long time to dry & as a result rabbits have a higher chance of dying from hypothermia (lowered body temperature) in cold weather. They also get stressed very easily which can cause heart attacks if moved or handled in a way that they panic. Not withstanding that, some rabbits do actually like the rain and are well equipped to deal with being wet. Also, as part of the grooming routine is necessary to wash of any urine which is acidic and faeces that have coated your rabbits fur off.

The PDSA have demonstrated a safe way of washing/ spot cleaning your rabbit with out startling or alarming them. The link is here: How to clean your Rabbit.

Do rabbits get fleas? 

Domestic rabbits frequently encounter fleas when residing in households alongside dogs or cats, whereas pet rabbits living outside exposed to wild rabbits are infested with a different species of flea which also bites cats and dogs. Fipronil is not recommended for use in rabbits and is known to cause fatalities. Imidacloprid (Advantage®: Bayer) is licensed in the UK for flea control in rabbits and works to kill adult fleas as it has been shown to be safe and effective.

Why is my rabbit itching? 

Whilst fleas or other ectoparasites may be a cause of itching in many pets, residue of strong cleaning agents used to clean cages have been found to cause skin irritation or itching. There are some reports of chemicals in wood shavings that have also lead to skin issues in Rabbits. 

Whilst grooming your pet, we advise getting your rabbit checked by your veterinarian if you find any bald spots, lumps and bumps, change in behaviour, unusual moulting, change in poo habits or bald spots.

For washing the bottom of your furbaby we recommend our ultra senstive dermatology shampoo range below. 

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