Product details

Was es ist
Dieses leichte Fellöl für Katzen nährt und beruhigt trockene Haut, macht sprödes Fell weich und pflegt es mit einer schnell einziehenden Mischung aus Calendula officinalis in Vitis Vinifera, Cocos nucifera L., Pelargonium rosae und Azadirachta indica

Warum es verwenden?
Katzenhaut ist fast fünfmal dünner als die menschliche Haut (denken Sie daran, so dünn wie Babyhaut zu sein) und ist anfällig für ständige Schäden durch die Umwelt, menschliche Hausstaubmilben und Produkte, die wir derzeit für Katzen verwenden.
Die Pflege des Fells und der Haut Ihrer Katze (so wie wir uns auch um unsere kümmern) trägt dazu bei, diesen Schaden zu reduzieren und das Eindringen von Bakterien oder Viren zu verhindern, beispielsweise solchen, die Hautflecken oder Warzen verursachen.
Reduzieren Sie das Auftreten von Hautreizungen , Tierarztbesuchen und Kosten
Luxuriöser, strahlender und üppig aussehender Mantel.
Eine geistig und körperlich glückliche Katze, frei von Juckreiz und Gerüchen.

Für wen es ist
Alle Katzen mit normaler bis besonders trockener, empfindlicher und reaktiver Haut, trockenem, drahtigem Fell, juckendem Fell, Gerüchen, wunden Stellen, kahlen Stellen, roten Stellen und Haarausfall.

Vorteile und Ansprüche
Die spezielle Mischung von Inhaltsstoffen wurde mithilfe veterinärmedizinischer Forschung sorgfältig ausgewählt, um die Hautbarriere Ihres Haustiers wiederherzustellen, zu schützen und zu nähren und die Haut und das Fell im Laufe der Zeit weich und geschmeidig zu halten.
Diese Formulierung soll die Lipidmatrix in der Hautbarriere wieder auffüllen und stärken.
Nicht an Labortieren getestet
Ausgewählte Bio-Zutaten
Unsere Produkte enthalten kein Wasser, Wachs oder Paraffin.

Wie benutzt man
Auf die Hand oder direkt auf das Fell Ihrer Katze auftragen, einmassieren und bürsten.
Bei langhaarigen Katzen kann es sinnvoller sein, das Produkt nach dem Abtrennen der Haare/Felle aufzutragen.
Achten Sie auf die Rückseite des Schwanzes, den Unterbauch und zwischen den Pfoten.
Sparsam verwenden, da die Formulierung recht reichhaltig ist und nur sehr geringe Mengen erforderlich sind, um die gewünschte Wirkung zu erzielen.


Calendula officinalis in Vitis Vinifera , Cocos nucifera L., Pelargonium rosae und Azadirachta indica

Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich die Zutatenlisten von Zeit zu Zeit ändern oder variieren können. Die aktuellste Liste der Zutaten finden Sie in der Zutatenliste auf der Produktverpackung, die Sie erhalten.


Cost-Effective & Multi-Purpose: One product for various skin issues, saving you money.

Comfort & Relief: Soothes irritation, reduces itching, and promotes a happier pet.

Dapper Shiny Healthy Coat: Nourishes for a shiny, healthy, and well-groomed appearance.

Itch-Free: Alleviates discomfort from flea bites, dryness, or overgrooming.

Easy to Use: Simple to apply, making skin care effortless for you and your pet.

How to use

For best results, apply DermaProtect Serum once or twice a week, massaging gently into your pet’s coat, focusing on areas of concern like the armpits, neck, and back of the tail. Use it as part of your regular grooming routine or to target specific skin issues. Ensure the coat is dry before application and allow the serum to absorb fully for maximum benefit.

The Rose Calendula (Uplifting DermaRepair) Skin & Coat Serum is for: Dogs and cats with itchy coats, ears, neck, belly requiring itch relief or pets with skin barrier damage due to allergies. Extra aromatherapy benefits for older pets, pets with PTSD - rescue pets, pets who have lost a sibling or pets who are recovering from skin damage due to flea infestation.

Species: Cats & Dogs 

Special Features:

  • RELIEF FROM ITCH & DRY PATCHES: The formula hydrates the skin and helps repair the skin barrier, reducing itch and dry patches. Science: Dry, itchy skin in pets is often due to transepidermal water loss (TeWL) and damaged skin barriers. Ingredients that provide hydration and restore lipid content help repair the barrier and retain moisture, reducing symptoms of dryness and itchiness.
  • SHINY HEALTHY COATS. The serum nourishes the skin and hair follicles, promoting healthier and shinier fur. Nutrients and oils in the serum penetrate the hair shaft, improving its texture and reducing hair fall.
  • DE-MATTING, COAT ENHANCER & DEEP CONDITIONING SERUM FOR RADIANT FUR & COATS: Smooth Pain-Free Brushing: Makes the brushing process smooth and comfortable. Reduces Matting: Prevents tangles and knots, allowing the brush to glide through the coat. Enhances Coat Quality: Leaves the coat silky and lustrous. Strengthens Hair: Prevents hair loss and breakage, making the fur resilient and healthy.
  • COMBATS ODOURS NATURALLY. The formula includes natural compounds that neutralise odours and support a healthy skin microbiome. Odours in pets often result from an imbalance in the skin microbiome or bacterial growth. Natural oils and antimicrobial compounds in the serum help maintain a balanced microbiome, reducing odor-causing bacteria.
  • SKIN MICROBIOME BALANCE: The serum contains prebiotic and antimicrobial properties that support a healthy skin microbiome. Science: A balanced skin microbiome is crucial for preventing infections and maintaining skin health. Ingredients that support beneficial bacteria while inhibiting harmful microbes help maintain this balance, which is particularly important for pets with sensitive or allergy-prone skin .
  • AROMATHERAPY BENEFITS. The formula includes essential oils known for their calming effects, providing aromatherapy benefits. Aromatherapy uses essential oils to promote psychological and physical well-being. Studies show that certain essential oils can reduce stress and anxiety in animals, providing a calming effect that can improve their overall well-being.
  • NATURAL FLEA & TICK REPELLANT. The serum includes natural compounds that repel ticks and fleas. Science: Many natural oils are known to have insect-repelling properties. For instance, studies have shown that certain oils can effectively repel ticks and fleas, offering a safer alternative to chemical repellents.
  • REDUCTION OF TeWL (Trans-Epidermal Water Loss). The formula locks in moisture and strengthens the skin barrier, reducing water loss. TeWL is the process of water evaporating through the skin, which can lead to dryness and irritation. Ingredients that form a protective barrier on the skin surface can significantly reduce TeWL, keeping the skin hydrated and healthy.
  • VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY RESEARCH. The serum adheres to guidelines and incorporates ingredients recommended by veterinary dermatology. Veterinary dermatology guidelines recommend using ingredients that restore the skin barrier and maintain hydration. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) and ceramides are critical components in repairing and maintaining the skin barrier, which are included in the formula to ensure its efficacy and safety.
  • LEVEL UP FOR ALLERGY PRONE PETS. The formula provides essential nutrients EFAs, Ceramides, Minerals & Emollients that repair and protect the skin, alleviating symptoms in allergy-prone pets. Science: Pets with allergies often have compromised skin barriers, making them susceptible to irritation and infections. Nutrients that restore the skin’s barrier function and reduce inflammation can provide significant relief, improving their quality of life .

The Science Of Skin & Coat Damage

Human House Dust Mites

Market Shampoos

Hair Drying

Damaged Skin Barrier

Unclean Skin

Tugging With The Brush


Cold Weather

UV Light

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does DermaProtect Serum actually work to repair skin?

DermaProtect Serum works by restoring the skin’s protective barrier, which functions like a bricks-and-mortar structure. The skin's mortar is made up of lipids, and when this barrier is damaged—by things like overgrooming, flea bites, or dryness—everything becomes a potential irritant, triggering inflammation and discomfort.

This serum combines ingredients like Neem, Calendula, and Coconut Oil, rich in Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and vitamins, to replenish and repair the skin’s lipid layer, acting as the mortar. It helps rebuild the barrier, sealing in moisture, and preventing further irritation. The result is healthier, calmer skin, reducing itching and inflammation, while also promoting a shiny, balanced coat.

2. Can DermaProtect Serum assist with stress-related skin issues in anxious pets?

Yes, for anxious pets, stress can often lead to skin issues like excessive licking or biting. The serum’s calming ingredients not only support skin repair but also help alleviate some of the emotional stress, leading to a calmer, more comfortable pet.

The calming properties of Geranium and Clary Sage in DermaProtect Serum support both skin health and emotional well-being. These ingredients help reduce stress and irritation, offering comfort to anxious pets by soothing their skin and promoting relaxation.

3. How quickly will I see results?

With regular weekly use, most pet parents notice improvements in skin condition and coat health within a few weeks.

4. Is this serum safe to use with other pet treatments?

Absolutely! DermaProtect Serum complements other treatments, enhancing overall skin health while soothing and repairing your pet's skin.

5. Is this serum suitable for all pets?

Yes, it’s ideal for senior pets, rescue pets, or those with skin issues like dryness, overgrooming, or flea irritation.

6. Does DermaProtect Serum have flea repellent properties?

While DermaProtect Serum isn’t marketed as a direct flea repellent, it contains Rose Geranium, known for its natural ability to deter fleas. The serum’s soothing ingredients help alleviate irritation caused by flea bites, providing relief and promoting healing of the skin. It's a great addition to your pet's care routine if you're dealing with flea-related skin issues.

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